Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

Teen births are at their lowest level in almost 70 years, federal data report today. Birthrates for ages 15-19 in all racial and ethnic groups are lower than ever reported.

“Young people are being more careful,” says Sarah Brown, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. She attributes the declines to less sex and increased use of contraception.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Health & Medicine, Sexuality, Teens / Youth

6 comments on “Birthrate for U.S. teens is lowest in history

  1. Capt. Father Warren says:

    [i]She attributes the declines to less sex and increased use of contraception[/i]

    It would be nice if this study were true and the conclusion was correct. Quite frankly I don’t buy any of it. Not one word about “abortion” unless that is swept in as a part of “increased use of contraception”.

    The “less sex” part is a total fabrication; isn’t that what the whole made-up contraception debate is about………supplying free contraception to everyone, so that even law students at Georgetown can have sex 24/7/365 and not go broke?

    This “study” is put out for a purpose: who is being rewarded here and who is looking for more money to continue whatever it is they are doing?

  2. Catholic Mom says:

    Actually there was just a recent study which was quoted in the NYTimes last week (I’ll try to find the link) finding that teenagers were having significantly less sex then in previous decades.

  3. Capt. Father Warren says:

    NYT or USA Today; does not matter. I’d really like to hear from folks who REALLY accept the premise of the articles. Look at the culture around us and tell me you accept the premise.

  4. drjoan says:

    Remember, for today’s teens, so-called “oral sex” is not truly sex. Thank you Bill Clinton.

  5. MarkP says:

    “Look at the culture around us and tell me you accept the premise. ”
    “Remember, for today’s teens…”

    The culture around us is not created by teenagers — I’d guess it’s still mostly created and bankrolled by baby boomers — nor is Bill Clinton a teenager. I know a lot about what I, a middle aged parent of preteens, fear is true of teenagers, but all you teens on this list can go ahead and set me straight about what’s really happening out there.

  6. Teatime2 says:

    LOL, MarkP — bravo!
    Odd that the reaction here is as grim as it would be for bad news being imparted!